strong>Author: Lee Dobbins
Maintaining a luscious and green lawn is best and easiest done by getting one of those lawn sprinkler systems. Not only do they provide you with the convenience of watering your lawn automatically, they also ensure that your turf gets the optimal irrigation it needs. While lawn sprinkler systems might be rather costly, it is not true that they are a waste of money, or only for people who are too lazy to water their lawn. In reality, lawn sprinkler systems could save you money because they ensure that you only consume the right amount of water for your lawn, keeping your water bills in check.
Why Get a Lawn Sprinkler System?
Using a hose to water your lawn wastes your time, effort and money. Aside from that, it also does not provide you grass with enough water because you would be quite difficult to ensure that you are targeting the roots correctly. But with lawn sprinkler systems, you are sure that your plants get the right amount of water in the right places. This decreases the likelihood of your lawn from experiencing drought, and thus avoiding the expensive ordeal of replacing dead grass, saving you even more money. In addition to all these is the convenience of not needing to devote much attention to your lawn because of automation. Furthermore, a lawn sprinkler system also raises the value of your property.
Kinds of Lawn Sprinkler Systems
There are many types of lawn watering systems available for different needs and budgets. Typical watering systems for residential use employ in-ground irrigation methods. This entails burying the sprinkler system underground. This allows you to avoid having eyesores on your lawns such as tangled pipes, irrigation valves, and sprinklers as they are all hidden from view.
Here are some variations of lawn watering systems:
1. Spray irrigation – this is the most common type of lawn sprinkler systems. As the name suggest, water is sprayed directly over the lawn with this type. Long tubes are imbedded in the lawn, and are attached to a water source. Water is then shoot out of the tubes using sprayers. Usually a center pivot is used where there are fixed points that form a large irrigation circle. Sprinklers are installed on top of the tubes and rotated throughout the landscape. Such types of sprinkler systems are good for light soil types. They can also be controlled by an electric device, making operation easier and more flexible.
2. Drip Irrigation – this type of irrigation is less common because it appears to be more complicated. Tubes with holes are buried under the turf. Holes are situated at set distances that are set specifically for the area where they will provide irrigation. The concentration of the holes can also be varied. Unlike the spray system, water is not sprayed into the air, but are sprinkled, or dripped near the plant roots, providing direct contact. Not only does this prevent people from getting went in the event that they pass through the lawn while water, drip sprinkler systems allow more precision when watering. Another great thing about drip sprinkler systems is that they use less water, saving you even more money while helping the environment. According to certain studies, drip systems use only about half the amount of water that spray systems use. Thus they are quite economical and practical.
Things to Consider When Choosing Lawn Sprinkler Systems
When choosing a sprinkler system to use for your lawn you should first check the capacity of the system to meet your landscaping needs. You might not need a complicated system for a small lawn area, but you might need something more complex for a large yard. You should also consider the water supply available as certain systems might need more water than others. Certain sprinkler systems may also be labor-intensive to install, if you plan to install them alone, you should consider the skills needed to use a particular system. The type of soil in your lawn should also be studied as some systems may be ideal to certain soil types. Lastly, you should check your budget and see if you can afford a particular type of sprinkler system.
A healthy lawn needs a good irrigation method. Using a lawn sprinkler system is the most efficient and effective way of filling this requirement for having a good lawn.
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About the Author:
If you want a lawn you can be proud of, follow Lee Dobbins to where you can get more great tips on lawn care.